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    Special issue on gestalt coaching as support and challenge

    Autor : Magerman M.H. / Leahy M.J.

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    In: The International Gestalt Journal 32(1)

  • The Person in Context
    A Holistic-Interactionistic Approach

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  • Psychological Birth of the Human Infant
    Symbiosis and Individuation

    Autor : Mahler M. et al.

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  • Developmental Aspects in the Assessment of Narcissistic and So-called Borderline Personalities

    Autor : Mahler M.S. / Kaplan L.J.

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    Verlag: International Universities Press

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    In: In: P. L. Hartocollis (ed.): Borderline Personality Disorder: the Concept, the Syndrome, the Patient

    Seitenzahl: S. 71-85

  • Self-Regulation of the Therapeutic Meeting. From Constructivist and Gestalt Therapy Perspectives
    A Transcribed Experiment

    Autor : Mahoney M. et al.

    Erscheinungsdatum: 2007

    In: Studies in Gestalt Therapy. Dialogical Bridges, 1, 1

    Seitenzahl: S. 67-90

  • Exploration, Play and Cognitive Functioning as Related to Infant-Mother Attachment

    Autor : Main M.

    Erscheinungsdatum: 1983

    In: Infant Behavior and Development, 6

    Seitenzahl: S. 167-174

  • Parental Aversion to Infant-Initiated Contact Is Correlated with the Parent’s Own Rejection During Childhood
    The Effects of Experience on Signals of Security with Respect to Attachment

    Autor : Main M.

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    Verlag: International Universities Press

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    In: In: T. B. Brazelton / K. Barnard (eds.): Touch

  • Predictability of Behavior and Representational Processes Related to Attachment in the Berkeley Longitudinal Study
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  • Security in Infancy, Childhood and Adulthood
    A Move to the Level of Representation

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    Erscheinungsdatum: 1985

    In: n: I. Bretherton / E. Waters (eds.): Growing Points in Attachment, Monograph of the Society for Research in Child Development, 50, 1–2

    Seitenzahl: S. 66-104

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